Thursday, December 1, 2011

How to Get Your Hair Constantly Growing

Hair grows in phases. Any hair growth discussion would be incomplete without talking about the follicle. The follicle is the part of the scalp from which the hair grows. These are essentially skin organs that build the shaft of the hair and then the hair itself. During the 3 phases of hair growth — which last for varying durations of time and differ from person to person — the hair continues to grow, stops growing and then falls off.

According to accepted definitions, it is normal for the human scalp to lose 50 to 100 hair strands every day. However, when the amount of hair that is lost exceeds this number, the need for intervention to promote natural hair regrowth is desired.

What can you do to promote hair growth?

In order to promote hair growth, what is required is an understanding of how hair grows, what are the problems that affect it and the causes for such problems. Today, many are faced with problems of male pattern baldness. It is prevalent in all countries and is a reason for concern for most men. Therefore, a lot of time, effort and money are spent on research in order to develop products that induce natural hair regrowth. Some of them can be used by people themselves at home while others may require the assistance of a specialist for administration.

How do you know if a product can work for you?

There is no definite way to know if a product that is known to induce natural hair regrowth can work for you or not. What you have, as an individual, to weigh if a product is good or not is the reputation of the product, the experiences of the people who have used it and of course your own reservations about trying it. It must be added here that your reservations for trying a product that helps the hair regrow naturally should be well founded, since most natural products do not have side effects. Hence most of them can be tried without worsening the problem. Unlike synthetic or artificial preparations which may cause unintended effects, natural products are safe for trying.

What are the commonly used natural extracts?

For natural hair regrowth, the commonly used extracts today include ginseng root, vital amino acids and vitamins that are required in the body, ginkgo biloba, rehmannia, horsetail plant and nettle extract among others. These extracts are not quick fix solutions. They are meant to help the body repair itself and so as to allow natural regrowth of hair. Hence, when you try them, you should not do so with the aim of achieving results in a restricted or predetermined span of time. Rather you should try them and measure results in a liberal manner, so as to ascertain their effectiveness.

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